Mifter Bat fpeaks French

Mifter Bat says:Hi there! I have been learning French or as you say how to parlay frog. But I have been very furprifed to see signs advertising “Degustation Ventes”.  Disgusting winds! People fay that about me but I don’t put it on posters! Oh also I have thought of a Joke.  This is All My Joke and I am very…

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Day 85 Toulon to Rians

In which Sid and Doris climb up into Provence and enjoy being able to speak with people on matters other than ordering food and drink.We leave the seaside with a couple of backward looks. For the sailors out there: Our room is named after Gitana VI, a 20 metre Olin Stephens design for Edmond de Rothschild built in 1975. We…

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Day 84 Porto Torres to Toulon (France)

In which Sid and Doris leave Italian Sardinia for France, spending most of the day sitting on the ferry.We have covered the little apartment with our washing so the first job is to get everything back in the bags and go find early breakfast. At the cafe we can see the vast ferry coming in so know how much breakfast…

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Day 82 Palau to Trinita d’Agultu

In which Sid and Doris do purist riding to seek out Neolithic era buildings and a hotel up an overly beaten track.From Palau we were going to the very north of Sardinia at Santa Teresa Gallura before turning West, South West toward Porto Torres. So as not to use the same road twice which Doris hates, Doris plotted a route…

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Sometimes I think about roads

Big roads vs little roads – the human perception of slopes – potholes1. Big roads are boring but little roads always seem to be hard Every so often we take a step back from the Epic Journey, and we muse that the problem with Epic Journeys is that you tend to whizz through places on the straightest road you can…

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Day 81 Tanauella to Palau

In which Sid and Doris set out again and have a High Paw day, back on the road again along the swanky Costa SmereldaSid and Doris said goodbye to England-on-the-Med to start the three day ride to Porto Torres. When we took the bikes out on Thursday to check them over we were not much enthused. This morning we set…

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The song of the road

You may be able to work out the tune to this one. A versatile little number with plenty of room for improvisation, and the tune is easy enough that you can shout it out while going along. Look what they’ve done to my road, MaLook what they’ve done to my road.Well they’ve built the road straight up the hillIt makes…

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An Inclinometer

“S” says:I am a Very Skientific sort of cove and I have invented an incliniommetter thing for my adventure tri cycle.It tells me when I am going up hill how steep the hill is.And when I am going down hill it tells me that too but wheeee the main thing then is not to look at the inclinything but to…

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