Living the Life Electric 3

The Epicness of journeys; hilarity; it’s as much use as a chocolate handbag.

We have been musing about whether this is an Epic journey.  You may remember that our definition of Epic only has to be that it pushes you, in some tiny direction, towards the edge of your comfort zone.  And looking at this trip, cycle touring in France and Italy isn’t exactly epic.  But getting up off our comfortable Covid sofa (especially for Doris alas) and taking an electric bicycle further than a weekend trip… yes, we are starting to think this is pretty epic.  We have also got our Cycle Mojo back as we bowl happily through alpen fields with prettily-dispersed cows and flowers after several hundred metres of (electrically-assisted) climbing.  Hoorah! Time for some Humour.

Sid is excused doing SPAG (Spelling And Grammar) with his Year 4 group while he is on this trip, so he was very amused to see this mug.





It’s time for the French version of Dad jokes to come out now.  Sid says we are not allowed to make the Nevers-Sur-Dimanche joke although ‘I’m lichen this seat’ is permitted (possibly because he made it up).
In French breakfast rooms they only offer you to cook a single egg because one egg is un oef.
Rognons a la creme? says Sid.  Sounds offal.
With climbing ahead of us, we are offered museli for breakfast.  Oat cuisine (oat=haut=high)?  We’ll have it porridge (pour ridge, hmm.  This is getting a bit desperate).

And some visual jokes:

Hello little horse.  Is it Saturday?  No, it’s flyday.
In Beaune it looks like they have separate recycling bins for red and white wine bottles. And a trompe l’oeil wall advert which was a moving experience.

And finally top prize for creative use of chocolate goes to the amazing Ragueneau Chocolatier in Nevers who alas does not seem to have a working web site (it said on the shopfront) or mail order system.  So you will have to go there. (Yes, they are all made of chocolate.)



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