It’s all going south to Chaux des Crotenay

In which Sid and Doris have a short and hilly day, preparing to cross the Mont Risoux ridge in a few days time into Switzerland.

Sid asks, Is that the top of the ridge? Doris replies, That’s the bottom of the cloud.

But it is not raining and never really does.

There are few pictures of S and D climbing at any time because the effort of re-starting is off-putting. This view of Conliege gives a hint of the hills up behind.

Sid considers his legs during this long climb. They are well adapted to running, he generally makes fastest time for his age group in the mass 5km Park Run. But they do not seem to have those muscly knee bits for gliding effortlessly upward.

Above Conliege Doris has us back in touch with the single track PLM rail bed that has been beautifully surfaced. The elegant bridges are still there over the cuttings.

And so are the tunnels, saving much climbing and bringing much childish delight.

Leaving the line there is more hill climbing before we reach the Hotel des Lacs in the Jura Lake District. Already quite high they don’t clear the snow on these little roads. We will finish at 714 metres, having actually climbed a bit more.

The hotel restaurant is a magnet for motards, cyclists not so much.

Doris has a tinky winky electric motor.These Brit ridden Ducatis have 1200cc ICE.  A very different adventure.

We are in the Jura lakes so we finish with the view.

It’s a vairy big day tomorrow.

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