Living the Life Electric 2

Today’s musings are on spires and tyres.

As this is the first really long cycle journey we’ve done since Istanbul, you may be unsurprised that some themes recur.

First, some more conversations on church upgrade plans:

“Guillame, we have had a very exciting call from the Ministry of the Interior!  They need to site some nuclear missiles in our region and our village has been selected!  Look, they have redesigned our church and as a result we get this splendid new spire!”
Pause for Guillame to admire the model.
“Well, dulci et decorum est as they say, and that is just as well, because my wife will kill me if they go ahead with that.”



“Michel, we are having big problems with the fundraising for the new church.  Not only can we not afford a proper bell tower, we can only buy a single small bell to put in it.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake don’t be so defeatist.  At least build a space for a second bell, something is bound to turn up.”




“Henri, I have had a letter from the Abbess.  She says that she is not giving any more money to the church extension project because you and your friends are spending it all on cheap wine.  And she’s telling her friends to stop giving too.”
“Shilly old bag, what doesh she know (hic)? We’ll soon see who has more influence, her or me.”



And then charmingly, some more Things Made From Tyres:

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