The cars in Prague

I was looking at the cars in Prague. I am not consciously looking at each car but normally my Sid-ly antennae pick up the presence of the unusual with no conscious effort. So have my senses been numbed by cobbles and beer or is there really something odd here?

Here’s why there are so few needle movements. Of the top 25 car models sold in Czechia 12 are from the VW group. The top four accounting for the majority of cars sold are Octavia, Fabia, Rapid and Superb. I remember the French car park in the late ’70s as being quite French but at least some of their cars were old.
Prague’s car park is lightly poisoned by strange specials for taking tourists around, optimistically dubbed Old Timers (the vehicle not the tourist I suppose).

Alternatively you can take a caleche. Miftah Bat delighted to see a Korean (?) tourist taking a careful photo of a horse filling the rose manure bag.

So is there anything interesting for the car dude? Against this sorry background I offer the Nissan 100SX, not a common sight anywhere, though may not score high on desirability. I saw a Cadillac Escalade but did not want to risk my lens on its ugliness.

All the best cars are in the National Technical Museum (see post on Day 16 in Prague). Today’s prize goes to this very tidy original Honda 750/ 4.

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