Thistle Map

Unusually for us, we have planned every night, every route and every ferry crossing before leaving. But we are confident that the Bothy McWeevil Thistle Garden Challenge will add surprises and delights every day…

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Unscheduled Route Replan #3(c)(iv)

In which we fall out of love with the Pyrenees and think about Brittany instead.We have been really struggling to work out how to get over the Pyrenees. Armed with a large map of the area (approximately double bed-sized) we can see a range of choices. From the left:– go round the west end, which will drop us onto the…

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Sometimes I think about roads

Big roads vs little roads – the human perception of slopes – potholes1. Big roads are boring but little roads always seem to be hard Every so often we take a step back from the Epic Journey, and we muse that the problem with Epic Journeys is that you tend to whizz through places on the straightest road you can…

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