The evening routine

We thought you might be interested in a typical evening routine.
(Anyone who has done an endurance rally will recognise most of this!)

  • Get lost round town with hotel in it
  • Find hotel which is large and obvious and it is not clear why we missed it
  • Negotiate with hotel owner over bike storage options (we have been very pleasantly surprised by this bit so far)
  • Do emergency repairs if any… or more likely put them off until the next rest day
  • Store bikes
  • Explode luggage over room
  • Have shower and do washing, often stamping the washing round on the floor of the shower
  • Festoon wet washing around room
  • Get dressed into “normal” clothes
  • Take phones, PC and iPad out in search of beer
  • Walk round town so we have actually seen some of it rather than staying in the hotel
  • Plan the route: make sure the long term route still hangs together, plan tomorrow’s route
  • Book tomorrow’s hotel (if this step fails then repeat above step until success)
  • Fine-tune route, checking for any unexpected mud paths or major roads, upload to phone
  • Write today’s blog
  • Try to work out where photos have gone from iphone to ipad to Surface Go… give up and post blog without pictures promising ourselves we will add in the pictures tomorrow
  • Do backlog of old notes before we forget them (or find we have already forgotten them)
  • Chat to interesting people in the bar whether they want to or not
  • Fall asleep over dinner
  • Fail to keep up with shattering developments in UK/global news
  • Fail to learn barbershop music
  • Fail to read uplifting literature that has been carefully put onto iphones etc zzzz

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