The Deans

Because Doris is allowed to write about random things while Sid has to tell you clever stuff about places.

Our route to Southampton took us through West Dean, which our avid follower(s) who are experienced map readers will note has a few interesting features.  For example, the border between Wiltshire and Hampshire runs right through the village (you will see that the station is technically in Wiltshire), it has a sawmill although it is not precisely in timber country, and it has that very interesting collection of little buildings on the “cultivation terraces”.

But most importantly for Sid, it has a gazillion Information Boards.

Here is the amazing project that the village team has produced: and just to tempt you to click on it, the little buildings are number 4c, the Royal Naval Armaments Depot.

Ha ha that is the rest of your evening gone.  Mine too.  Just think how long it took me to get Sid away from those boards.



  1. “…it has a sawmill although it is not precisely in timber country.” Reminds me of the joke: “I am the greatest lumberjack of all time. I worked in the Sahara Forest.” “The is no forest there!” “I told you I am the greatest.”

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