In which Doris is expertly bandaged and we think about what next.
Up early today to get a taxi out to Prague 6 and the Unicare Medical Centre. Quickly registered and fed into the GP, X ray, orthopaedic surgeon, bandage station and billing system. This was clearly Pragues’ centre of expat medicine, every speciality for many nationalities and languages in clean waiting rooms with bright colours.
Good news, nothing is broken. Bad news, despite the excellent bandaging and exquisite creams there is no reason to think that normal service will be quickly restored. The bandage is to stay on for three days, after which strapping, special ointment and rest.
Doris used a stiff legged gait on the brief walk to the tram stop. We do have to try the public transport and it gave another view of the city while not walking. Anyway, it is coming on lunchtime and we are pleased to find a veggie cafe which offered many dishes involving smashed avocado (smashed avocado is to vegans as spargel is to Germans). There is a huge amount of souvenir tat, tat-food and tat-pastimes here (Museum of Medieval Torture – what are you thinking, Terezin was 30 miles north of here). Thousands of people are wandering around wondering what on earth they are doing or going to do next, and staring at the Famous Astronomical Clock in eager anticipation and then in crestfallen disappointment – is that it? Still, this afternoon is sunny, which makes it all a deal more happy than yesterday. So the veggie place a good find.
After lunch we go back to our room to consider the options. Despite Sid having later visited St Francis and paying to light a candle in a church where Mozart played the organ we cannot bank on The Miracle of Saint Doris’s Holy Knee.
Option 1: wait it out in Prague, but not sure for how long.
Option 2: go somewhere else to wait it out. We had planned on Corfu on the Epic Journey.
Option 3: go home and Sally Froth again when fit and strong.
Option 4: continue in current direction by means now available such as train, and later maybe hoss or mule.
Option 5: if cycling and walking are not possible then see about the Pagoda or the Mini coming out.
Option 6: Please send any ideas to Sid and Doris…
Sid has been on a lone tour of the town and round to the bike shop to sort out boxes to pack up the bikes for flight. There are flights available for Corfu and Stansted. The railway map will get a good look see tomorrow.
A slightly subdued duo set out for a dinner at a restaurant whose theme is not beer, dumplings or any other local speciality. Tonight is Chelsea vs Arsenal in the Europa League Final. Should be lively in town later, but quite quiet at about 9pm kick off.
Amputation: See torture museum
New type of bike 1: See Day 9's hand-powered cycle
New type of bike 2: See tandem with rear foot pegs