Day 41 Pleven to Emen
In which Sid and Doris cycle out into the rain and through a lost world.
Read moreSid and Doris Bonkers and their Epic Journeys
"Everybody is normal until you get to know them"
In which Sid and Doris cycle out into the rain and through a lost world.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris find nodding donkeys, some beasts which might be water buffalo, and unselfconscious folk dancing.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris meet the electric Bulgarian, see our first donkey and leave the Danube for The Highland Farm.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris know they are in the Ottoman lands by visiting the town mosque.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris cross from Serbia into Bulgaria and are utterly soaked in the first rain for weeks.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris go through the Iron Gates and meet Steve and Tatiana, his boat.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris bravely ride through tunnels to Lepinski Vir and a friendly B&B.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris wait three hours to cross the Danube on the trip’s most entertaining ferry.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris fail to visit mosaics, and ride over the Pancevacki Bridge, then through fields and along the Danube.
Read moreIn which Sid and Doris cross the mosquito swamp and railway works to reach a riverside dinner.
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